charity constitution

Lymm Festival has been a charitable incorporated organisation since 17th October 2013. Its governing document is the Constitution of Lymm Festival CIO (Foundation Model) dated 19th September 2013. The trustees delegated most of their powers under the constitution to Lymm Festival Committee. For more information, see the Terms & Conditions of Delegation to Lymm Festival Committee.

Health & Safety

Lymm Festival's commitment to the health and safety of its volunteers and those attending events during the Festival is set out in this H&S Policy Update March 2022.

Website use

The use of this website is covered by our Terms & Conditions Policy document.

Website Cookies

The use of Cookies on this website is covered by our Cookies Policy document.

Privacy Policy

In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) in force from 25th May 2018, Lymm Festival publishes here its Privacy Policy.

Lost and Found Children / Persons

The way we deal with any lost or found children or others at Festival events is covered by our Lost and Found Child / Person Policy.